First Jeans Attempt

Realizing one can make jeans was a game changer. Of course it is because most of us live in them. So if you can make your own jeans (be it out of denim or stretch twills or corduroys), you’re well on your way toward a handmade wardrobe!

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MimiG Jeans (Simplicity #8516) – brown stretch cord and stretch denim

For my first two pairs made earlier this year, I used the Simplicity 8516 Pattern by MimiGStyle. And these were an absolute dream to make. She has a step-by-step tutorial on her YouTube channel and I just sewed along as if she were in the room, over my shoulder. It was great.

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What I liked about this pattern is that it has three different figure options – Average Fit, Slim Fit and Curvy Fit. I opted for the Curvy Fit because I have a fairly thin waist compared to my hips, a sway back, and I do have, how shall I say…athletic (?) thighs…so I thought this was the right option for me. The denim jeans (the first make done in size 14) turned out a bit large through the crotch, but I chalked it up to making the wrong size, not the wrong cut, so I made the stretch cord pair in one size down (now the size 12). This fit better, but when I compared the crotch to a RTW pair that I love (maybe I should have done this in the first place!), it suddenly dawned on me that the Average Fit would have been better for me.


I still wear both these jeans a TON – they are currently a wardrobe staple, and will be until I make the new cut. I do really like the fit everywhere except for the crotch. Once change that I did make is to the pockets. The pocket drafted on these was way too small for my liking, so I did a lot of research on jeans pocket size and placement, and stared at a lot of people wearing jeans around town (!). I copied a large pocket from an old RTW pair and basted the pockets about four different times. I think I was driving my family crazy. But I’m happy with the new placement! I do look forward to making these again in Average Fit! 🙂

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