About Me

Welcome! My name is Michelle Vukic and I’m an avid sewist living on an island in the Pacific Northwest. Bainbridge Island is a short ferry ride from Seattle in Washington State.

My sewing story begins when I was a young girl. My mom was an accomplished home seamstress who made many of her own clothes in the 50s and 60s, and also made many of the clothes my brother and I wore when we were young (think little matching outfits – a dress version and an overalls version).  I have fond memories of going to the local fabric stores, and sitting with the Big Four pattern books, choosing patterns for a couple new items in fall for the next school year, or for a prom dress, or a high school graduation dress. (Side bar: I still have quite a few of those dresses in my closet!). It always fascinated me that one could actually make an article of clothing from a flat piece of fabric and a pattern.

So while mom was sewing human-sized clothing, I was busy making little skirts and tops for my Barbie or doll, first by hand, then with the sewing machine. After doll clothes I moved on to a straight skirt with an elastic waist for myself, at maybe age 10 or 11.

I stopped sewing for my years in college, but eagerly took to knitting which I learned in Norway visiting relatives – easily portable without any real equipment. Then after college, I bought a little sewing machine and started sewing again, mainly for home dec projects. I did sew a little for myself, some things wearable, but nothing I was every in love with. In retrospect I realize it wasn’t really my sewing skills that were the problem here, but poor choices – wrong fabrics for a pattern, lack of patience with fit, choosing patterns that were cute but not even my personal style.  Once I was married and we had kids, almost all my makes were for them – I so enjoyed that sewing period! Easy little jumpers and jammies out of soft flannels and adorable cottons, and OH the fun I had with their Halloween costumes!

It wasn’t until I discovered the Instagram sewing community in 2016 that I went all in. I was obsessed. I was inspired. From the first Me Made May that I witnessed (even though I only watched the action from the sidelines) I knew I wanted to have a mostly handmade wardrobe. Without even realizing it I had stopped buying ready to wear, mainly because I wanted my own style, which I haven’t really found in ready to wear. Since January 2017, I have not bought any rtw.

This amazing community made me see it’s possible to make ALL your own clothes. I can make jeans? I can make outerwear? Lingerie? Who knew! So I started building. I have learned so much and been so encouraged and inspired by this fabulous community, that I wanted to record it and share on this blog. Enjoy!